Sizzlin' 4th Bonus Coupon!
As I'm closing the books on June, it has dawned on me that 2015 is half over! How is that possible? We've been so busy this year trying to catch up with the store and stay out of the weather......(bitter cold and now this heat!) that the months have rolled on by and the 4th of July is now only days away.
I remember my father who would have been 92 a few days ago telling me that time seemed to go by slowly until he turned 40; and then he turned around and he was old. Now I understand what he was saying. How does time go by so quickly?
239 years old.......
It seems as only yesterday we celebrated the U.S.'s 200th birthday. I still remember the excitement about the special quarters that were issued in 1976 to celebrate the occasion. I still see them in my change today and still feel the same excitement as I did when they were first issued.
The 4th of July is truly a family celebration. Cookouts with friends and family, swim parties, and oh the fireworks. On the day the city has fireworks, it's like a block party. Every parking lot surrounding the county fairgounds is packed with families waiting for the dark to arrive. Then when the night has enveloped the city, the sky is awakened to the noise of the fireworks being shot into the heavens and exploding into bursts of color. Then you are surrounded by the sounds of the crowd's amazement and delight.....the 4th is truly a day for the family.
This year with the 4th of July being on a Saturday, Thread Bear Fabrics will have special hours. We will open as early at 9:00 am, but will close at 2:00 pm so we may enjoy the holiday with our loved ones. Please remember to come early as the traditional Cumming Georgia 4th of July Steam Engine Parade will begin at 10 am and the route goes from Central Forsyth High School to the Cumming Fairgrounds. Although, we are not directly located on the parade route, some of the streets used to get to Thread Bear Fabrics are on the parade route and they may be closed temporarily. Except for Saturday the 4th, we will maintain our normal store hours.
For our July sale, we are extending our current sale as I still need room to put all of the new fabrics that are arriving. Our shelves are at capacity and our fabrics are looking for a good home. As a 4th of July birthday celebration, I have issued a coupon that is good from July 1st until the store closes on July 5th for an additional 10% off your sale. So come on in and visit or put you feet up and browse. The fabric selection is great and with every fabric in the store on sale, there are treasures to be found (sale price is reflected in the webstore).
Use coupon code: 1776-2015 and receive an extra 10% off your order.
We would like to thank everyone that has visited the shop for the Row by Row Experience. If you're in the area, please stop by for a visit.
We thank you for your friendship and patronage and we wish a safe and wonderful 4th to you and your family.
Until next time,
Happy Quilting!
Janet & Randy