Fabulous Fall!
Greetings to All -
Fall is streaking toward us like a comet. Food, football, friends, and fabric - all crammed into a few short months. When you throw in holidays and the election - Hope we all survive.
Come help us celebrate Fall with our:
***********************Fabulous Fall Sale**************************
*At least $!.00 / yd on all bolted fabric
*$2/yd off bolt price of all wide fabrics (54-120" wide).
* Special pricing on all Island Batik precuts (Stacks - 10" Squares and Island Strips - 2.5" strips) Usually $44.00 Now Only $27.99!
* 10% to 20% off on all other (not Island Batik) precuts (jellyrolls, Bali pops, layer cakes, fat quarter bundles).
* 25% off all patterns.
* 10% off all books.
* Sew Original Rayon Embroidery thread 50 cents per spool.
*********Show Special Friday Sept. 23 and Saturday Sept. 24 Only******* **All Individual Pre-cut Fat Quarters (in boxes) $1.50/ FQ!!
Special Hours - We are a proud sponsor of the Stars N' Stitches Quilt Show (see the "Events" section for more information) presented by the Chattahoochee Evening Stars Quilt Guild in Cumming, Ga . Wow - same town where we are located!
In order to accommodate all those who might attend the show and then want to shop -Thread Bear Fabrics will be open till 6 Pm on Friday September 23rd and Saturday September 24th. Since we may still be on "limited gas" be sure to come by and stock up on lots of terrific fabric. Remember, along with gas, bread, milk and beer - fabric is also a staple. But judging by the amount Janet has ordered, I doubt Governor Deal will be proclaiming a "Fabric Emergency' anytime soon.
Events – Just like Football - “Quilt Season” is about to start -
* Chattahoochee Evening Stars “ Stars ‘N’ Stitches Quilt Show / September 23-24, 2016 / Friday and Saturday 10 AM – 5 PM /Lakewood 400 Antique Market / 1321 Atlanta Hwy (Hwy 9) / Cumming, GA 30040 / Directions: www.lakewoodantiques.com / Daily Admission $6.00 / Children 11 and under – free / / Over 200 Quilts / Vendor Mall / Special Exhibits / Quilt Raffle / Handmade items for purchase at StarWares Market / Storybook Quilts Traveling Collections with readings for children at 3 PM each day / for more information visit www.CESquiltguild.com / contact us for groups of 20 or more at quiltshow@cesquiltguild.com
* Heart In Hand Annual Quilt Exhibit /Good Things Come In Small Packages by the Heart In Hand Quilt Guild / September 3 – October 28, 2016 / The Bowen Center For The Arts – Located just north of Historic Square / 334 Highway 9 N – Dawsonville, GA / Gallery Hours: Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat 12-4 / Artists’’ Reception – October 1, 2016 2:00 – 4:00 PM – Meet The Quilters and enjoy food and friends / For more information call 706-216-2787 or visit www.bowenarts.org
* Oktoberfest Quilt Show & Sale sponsored by Pine Needle Quilt Guild / Friday October 7 : 5-8 PM / Saturday October 8, 2016 / 10 AM – 5 PM / Big Canoe Swim Club – Big Canoe, GA / Follow signs to the QUILT SHOW / For directions go to www.bigcanoe.com/about/location / Raffle Quilt (Register to win Beautiful 70” quilt made and donated by Pine Needle Quilt Guild Members) / Gorgeous Fabric Art Quilts including Traditional pieced Quilts, Appliqué’ Quilts, Modern Quilts, Round Robin Quilts / Vote for Best In Show Quilt / Unique Handmade Quilts and Gifts available for purchase – Proceeds used for Quilts of Valor projects / Door Prizes / Visit Oktoberfest in Big Canoe for Fun, Food, Music
* 34th Annual Ashville Quilt Show / “Quilts: Colorful, Creative, and Cozy” / September 30, October 1-2, 2016 / 9-5 Fri & Sat / 10-4:30 Sun / Admission $7.00 / Free Parking / Handicap Accessible / WNC Ag Center / Davis Event Center (I-26, exit 40, Airport Road. Gate 5 Across from AVL Airport) / Over 300 Quilts from all over the US / 25+ Unique Vendors / Demonstrations/ Silent Auction / Gift Shop / Quilts for Sale / Opportunity Quilt / Lunch Available / Multi-day Pass/ Group Discounts / for more information follow us on Facebook@Ashville Quilt Show or contact Deb Walker, Show Chair atdeb.quiltshow2016@gmail.com / Sponsored by the Ashville Quilt Guild
As the year advances, we will add to this list as information becomes available to us. If you are interested in or plan to attend one of these events please feel free to stop by the shop and pick up one of the event brochures complete with times, dates, and contact information. For additional events and services pertaining to quilting throughout the state of Georgia just copy and paste the following link into your browser. http://georgiaquiltcouncil.org/
Classes – We are several beginning quilting classes schedules as well as some project classes. Several are current posted in the website and we are trying to finalize dates for the other classes. Please check the website (threadbearfabrics.com) and click on the “classes” section to see what is offered. Click on the class you are interested in taking for more information.
Sew In – We clear off the tables on the classroom side on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month. Bring something you want to work on, or just come to socialize. There are no set times and you can stay 15 minutes or all day. Meet some new creative people, solve the world’s problems, or just go out to lunch with a lively group – oh yeah you can also sew some!
New Arrivals – UPS and FedEx are doing their best to bury us in new arrivals. Janet has been listing new fabric for a month on the “New Arrival Section” on the website threadbearfabrics.com. Most of the time I list other things besides fabric, but since we have received so many new products, I have been listing fabric also. Being not as computer savvy as Janet, I’ll just tell you about them.
Football – Yes, Yes Yes – it is finally here. On our recent trip to NC, we scored some new college and NFL prints. The number inside the ( ) indicates more than one print for that particular team or sport. This year's line up is as follows:
NFL - Steelers (3) / Falcons / Dolphins / Seahawks (2) / Saints, 49ers / Packers
College - University of SC / University of Fl / Mississippi State University / University of TN / Old Miss / University of AL (2) / University of Auburn (2) / University of Kentucky / Georgia Tech (2) / UNC (2) / FSU (2) / LSU / Clemson / UGA (5) - and yes we have the "road kill" print.
We also have some generic sports offering fabrics including football, vintage baseball (3), tennis, golf (2), bicycling, and soccer (2).
Paris by Timeless Treasures - Go visit the city of lights on the cheap (as of this newsletter Delta wants $2996 Round Trip Atlanta to Paris - Ouch! ) With this delightful 3 bolt collection which includes a stunning panel with many of the city's most famous sights; compared to actually flying to France, you will save enough to buy a whole whole lot of Chablis. So save some bucks - take a "stay cation", buy a beret, have some "French" fries, and live vicariously with the help of this great little collection.
Nature Garden by Timeless Treasures - This Blooming Cherry Tree Garden Scene is picture perfect. In fact it is custom made for an Attic Window Quilt. Avoid the dreary days of Winter by keeping Spring in your heart, your bed, or even your walls with this colorful print.
Batiks - Batiks galore. Too many to list. Help us! Someone please buy some batiks - we are in danger of loosing the entire left side of the store to batiks!
Trim by Fany / Vintage Door - Rolls of colorful trim with a twist in assorted colors. choose from polka dots, gingham, flowers, lace, or fruit. Add some definition and pizzazz to any edge. Located by the restroom on top of the glass case.
Salem Witches - For all you needlepoint fans - Pattern 4, the Finishing pattern plus a Show & Tell Bonus Pattern from Crab Apple Patterns has arrived. For those of you collecting these, this is the last in the series. We have a full compliment of Cosmo Thread to make your project look great plus if you somehow missed one of the earlier patterns we have some still in stock.
Halloween - To add to our already growing collection of Halloween Fabrics Janet has added two more collections . Image that- Janet buying additional fabric?!. Creepy Hollow from Quilting Treasures is a fun Halloween collection designed for the young with all the normal Halloween items from friendly spiders to tasty candy corn in bright colors - it even includes a panel. Jeepers Creepers from Clothworks, on the other hand, is a bit more mature with some great panels featuring creepy fonts and traditional Halloween creatures.
By the way - our creepy candy dish is back - I wanted "candy eyeballs" (and they say men have no since of style - skeleton and eyeballs - like peanut butter and jelly), but that was vetoed. So to score some chocolate or sweetness - you will just have to listen to the wisdom from the candy creeper.
Flannel and Wool - New flash! Plummeting Temps Approaching Atlanta - Mid to upper 80"s Anticipated! For all those chilly 80 degree days - we have new shipments of flannel and wool guaranteed to make you sweat again. Wool Needle IV from Moda looks like wool but is actually flannel, but if you want the real thing - we also have wool in solid and plaids in both 90 and 45' widths. We also have some rather unique 60" (Ever seen unbleached flannel on one side only?) plus a few 108" wide flannels.
Muslin - It is finally here. We now have 45", 90", 120" bleached and unbleached.
Facebook - After many attempts, we may have been able to get our page to actually work. Visit us on Facebook for a "treat". Maybe you will "like" us also.
Website - There are all kind of changes coming. Look for a new "Clearance Fabric Section". These are items that are not re-orderable and are deeply discounted. It is shaping up to be a pretty hefty category. Last time I looked , Janet already had over 3,000 items in it! In addition to the new clearance section, Janet has reduced over 1,900 fabrics from their previous sale price.
In closing. I would feel unpatriotic if I did not pay homage to another event occurring in the Fall - the election. The bickering, and gesticulations, and manipulations over the past two years has caused me to consider a career change. Oh heaves no - not a politician - rather a lets say coach -"spin doctor" is such a harsh term. Here are just a few ideas:
1. Pick someone reasonably attractive and able to think on their feet - a confident candidate.
2. Legally change their name to "Awesome." Wonderful mileage here - In charged political issues or any insult hurled at your candidate - he/she just has to remind them -"I am Awesome - both legally and in reality; plus I have the recognition of the government here unequivocally stating I am Awesome".
3. Form a party and call it "Freedom United" (FU).
4. Fund Raising and Marketing - Sell T- shirts plus other promotional items with Freedom United on the front "Awesome" on the back in patriotic colors. Sell underwear with "Awesome" embroidered in patriotic colors.
5. The ability to belch loudly could be an asset. Picture a debate where the opponent is tearing down "Awesome" personally and on issues. While in the middle of the tirade "Awesome" belches loudly into the microphone filling the hall with a violent and resonant sound. In the awkward immediate silence ensuing combined with a few spurious giggles from the crowd, all eyes, even the leering eyes of the opponent, turn to "Awesome" and with a bit of a smirk/smile "Awesome" addresses the moderator:
"Well, Andi, You might as well say it - everyone is already thinking it - That was an "Awesome" burp!!"
Amidst the laughter, applause, and catcalls and much to the chagrin of the opponent, any points previously made with the audience have now been forgotten.
6. Rhetoric - " I choose intelligence over ignorance, vitality over sloth, virility over impotence, greatness over mediocrity, and you, my fine people, need to chose "Awesome" over brand X."
7. Instead of avoiding questions like most politicians, challenge the accusatory nature of media and opponents by redirection to wild yet innovative and arcane issues. Insist on the media airing all of your comments - no out of context editing.
Senator Snod - " Do you you even have a foreign policy?"
Awesome - When AI comes on line, do you think we will need to invent a new gender?
Snod - "What"???
Awesome - " I can think of nothing more foreign than becoming enslaved to something we created. Have you considered this? I am prepared to to address this - I have a plan- I'm "Awesome".
8. Make interesting press conferences - stunning entrances - a night time rally - imagine throbbing pulsating disco music as "Awesome" struts in confident and gyrating to the music - does a back hesitation move on the steps - finally ascending the stage does a "moon walk" from end to end before grabbing the mike from the podium, Smiling and raising both arms as the people cheer he suddenly bends over grabs his thighs and in one violent tug rips off his tear away onesie gold body suit exposing red white and blue Speedos with glittering "Awesome" on front and back with a phosphorescent white oxford shirt with a blue and red striped tie with a monogrammed pocket - "Awesome' in green glowing letters.
Once the cheering and music dies down - he speaks:
"Hello America!! I'm Awesome and I am running for President!!"
The crowd goes wild as fireworks and balloons rise behind "Awesome".
9. Impressions could be helpful - On sensitive issues, it is easy to be uncommitted when you sound like "Daffy Duck". In the very least stodgy boring press conferences would be more entertaining.
10. Being Single - Keep all the rumor mills buzzing. Awesome posts to all the on line dating sites. When they ask about occupation, he types in "Future President of the United States". "Tired of seeing Brittany, Brad, Jen and Angelia while waiting in the grocery check out lane? Vote "Awesome" for President and find out who is really carrying my alien love child."
While Thread Bear Fabrics takes no side in the upcoming election, we do encourage all of you to vote. We also hope whomever you vote for is truly - Awesome.
Until next time we hope you enjoy "Quilt Season" and wish all of you happy projects.
Best Wishes,
Janet + Randy