Small Business Saturday ONE DAY ONLY S A L E
Over the past 48 hours you probably
have bought all the TV's, tools, computers, electronics you can haul in your compact car (holding that big screen on top of the VW' s roof with your arm out the window was just plain creative); poked a hole in your smart phone's screen from clicking on stuff; waged a righteous and epic battle with a maddening hoard for that last piece of chicken at the fast food joint; have consumed a record number of turkey sandwiches; seen some excellent football; and probably forgot to wish Merry Christmas to the lady that almost backed over you in the mall parking lot.
So, now just chill. Do something for yourself. Time for Fabric - Saturday November 24 beginning at 9 AM (yes, opening 1 hour earlier) till the last person leaves.
The Down and Dirty - 30% Off Virtually Everything!! (Fabric, thread, books, patterns, precuts, notions) (Excludes contract items, BOM, Gift Certificates, Mystery Quilt /Kits)
Largest Discount of the year! This is in addition to any other special promotions ($1 off, EOB 5% Bounce Back)!! Folks . this is a no brainer - save some serious cash on things you actually want!
For example, Janet's Mom has been busy folding Fat Quarters for a month. So here's a little math: They are already on sale for $2.00 / FQ. 30% off of that price equals $1.40 / FQ! If you buy 20 or more, they are already on sale for $1.75/FQ. 30% of that price equals $1.23 / FQ! And if you have a Bounce Back Coupon then you get another 10% off!
You don't need to contact your psychic - trust me, this is just plain CHEAP!. No limit! This is lowest price of the year! Virtually every item we sell (save for the aforementioned exceptions) will ring up serious savings.
Online customers use coupon code "Joy".
Sorry, but because of the ridiculously low prices, we can not issue rain checks on any item. This discount is good for Saturday 11/24/2018 only.
Finally, maybe a little something to make you smile this shopping season. Ever wonder why all the "greeters" just vanished. Well, I think I know why this one did.
A recently retired executive
workaholic friend was having some difficulty adjusting to his new stage of life. He told me the following:
"I was going crazy. All I had ever done was work. Hobbies? I always worked. Why waste your time when you could be working? Well, the holiday season rolled around and I finally landed a job as a greeter in a big box store. I thought, pretty good gig for a retiree. I was looking forward to getting back to work again. Unfortunately, I lasted less than a day.
About two hours into my shift, on my first day, a loud, obnoxious, unattractive woman entered the store with her two children. She was yelling obscenities and repeatedly spitting on the floor through the entire length of the store entrance.
Since I scored at the highest percentile in my sensitivity training for aspiring greeters, protocol dictated I intervene and diffuse a tense an escalating situation.
In the most pleasant tone I could muster, I addressed her, "Good morning, and welcome to Zygamart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?"
The ugly woman, stopped yelling and spitting long enough to say,"z#!% no!
They, ain't twins. One is ten the other seven. Why would you think they were twins? Are you blind? Or just plain stupid old man?"
I just automatically went into business mode and replied, "I am neither blind nor stupid madam. I just couldn't believe someone slept with you twice. Happy Holidays. Have a nice day, and thank you for shopping with us here at Zygamart."
My supervisor, said I was probably not "well suited" for this line of work.
We sincerely hope you enjoy shopping with us and hope your Holidays are joyful.
Hope to see you Saturday,
Janet+ Randy
Thread Bear Fabrics