Spring Cleaning Sale - Week One
Greetings Quilters,
April has arrived and so have many changes and events. Here are just a few updates:
1.. Our precuts (layer cakes, charm squares, jelly rolls, ect) are now in the main store (Janet's Side). We have samples of every precut we have in stock out for your convenience.
2. New BOM's are coming. Janet will advise as the materials and kits become available.
3. Solistice - a new collection from Northcott is having a contest. Grand prize a trip to Stonehenge - yeah - that's right - ENGLAND! Update - everyone, even quilt shops, are scrambling to try to scrounge up fabrics. We still have some left, but it is going fast. Northcott is trying to replenish the supply, but can only say "we hope to ship in the later part of May".
4. Be sure to check out the "new Arrivals" section on threadbearfabrics.com It is probably not a surprise - that it is growing!
5. The 3D instant hunting blind fabric is now here. It is a whole lot easier, to throw a piece of this fabric in your back pack than to drag a piece of OSB board through the woods. Of course you can always dress your dog up for Halloween - "Sniper Sitchu".
7. Janet has decided to do some spring cleaning - well let me qualify that - only regarding fabric. With that being said, be sure to take advantage of the start of all the Spring Cleaning Sales. Read on.
************************************Spring Cleaning***************************************
As everyone knows (especially me) we have a lot of fabric. I have been opening boxes and still have not gotten to the end of the stacks, but the problem is I have no more shelf space so some of this fabric has got to go. Thus I am into Spring Clean mode and no fabric is safe!
We are well into Spring even if Mother Nature has not penciled in the date - snow in mid April? Really? What was she thinking? But, since the 1st day of Summer is not until June 21st, I think I still have plenty of time to do some serious spring cleaning.
Each week I will place one or two manufacturers' entire line on sale and will even throw in a couple of other collections for good measure. Some of the fabric are already on sale, so this sale will be off the current sale price - double bonus! The goal is to move out some of these fabric lines and clear some shelf space for the fabrics in boxes waiting to be processed.
The first sale week will be in effect with this email and will end Monday, April 15th at midnight - just remember the tax deadline....no I'm not going there....
In addition to the online sale, we will have some fabrics on Randy's side of the shop on the table on sale as well. These fabrics will be random and will change each week with the sale. These fabrics are currently marked down to $6.99 per yard, but will be $4.99 per yard while they last.
In addition if you finish a bolt of 5 yards or more, then end of bolt discount will be 10%. This will apply to all fabrics not just the ones in the weekly Spring Cleaning sale.
These discounts will add up fast and your savings will be huge. Don't delay as the best will go quickly.
Below are the fabrics for week one.........
* All Free Spirit fabrics including Tula Pink, Kaffe Fassette, ect
* All Loralie Design fabrics
* Best Friends Forever by Stacy Iest Hsu for Moda
* Well Said by Sandy Gervais for Moda
* Coledale by Franny and Jane for Moda
* Jardin de Versailles by French General for Moda
* Dream and Wonder by Carrie Bloomston for Windham Fabrics
* Garden Delights I & II by Jason Yenter of In The Beginning Fabrics
(And yes - I know you are wondering - I personally took Randy to these collections. Now he may not remember tomorrow but, for now he knows where they are located).
All of these fabrics will be listed in the "Featured" area of our webstore's home page (below is a link) to our Website's home page and each category is referenced under "Featured Categories". All of these fabrics will be 20% off the current price listed.
Thread Bear Fabrics
For example, if a fabric's price is normally $10.99 per yard, but it is on sale for $9.99 per yard - under this sale the price would be $7.99 per yard. If you end the bolt and it has more than 5 yards, then the price is another 10% off. Please note that the end of bolt discount can only be applied in the store.
This will be our largest sale of the year. Prices will not be lower this year so be sure and come early for the best selection.
For our online customers remember that we have a domestic Flat Rate Shipping of $7.95 regardless of yardage. This translates to a great value for larger yardage purchases.
Use the Spring Cleaning sales code "Bloom" to take advantage of each week's sale. Each week the merchandise will change, but the sales code will remain the same.
I hope you enjoy the sale and we hope to see you soon!
Happy Quilting,
New BOM Programs coming soon:
"Cream & Sugar".
This quilt was designed by Sarah Price of It's Sew Emma and features the Sonoma collection by Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts for Andover Fabrics.
This is a 12 month program and this distinctive sampler quilt features unique combinations of classic quilt blocks that allow you to enhance the flavor with a refined range of neutral colors. Elegant stars float in this setting, lending the quilt its ethereal quality.
"Granite City"
Designed by Chris Hoover of Whirligig Designs. The program will use the Tonga Graphite batiks collection by Timeless Treasures. The instructions will offer multiple sizes, so we will offer more than one size quilt in the BOM The quilt pictured below is 102" x 102". The smaller versions will have less block and will be different in appearance. I will have images of the final quilts shortly so you can decide which quilt you would like to make.
I am working on the price model for each of these projects and will have more shortly. Please let me know if you are interested. Space in each program will be limited.
Northcott is celebrating the 10 year anniversary of their Stonehenge collection with a Block Party celebration. The Block Party starts March 15th to September 30th, 2019.
How It Works
1. Quilters are invited to visit each shop to buy and collect the unique blocks. They can collect as many as they like.
2. Use at least 12 of the collected blocks in a quilt design for the Stonehenge Block Party Quilt Challenge. All blocks used in the quilt design must be from shops they visited and collected from.
3. The quilts must be made of 100% Stonehenge fabrics from the Solstice Anniversary collection with the option of including the Gradations Oxidized Copper palette and the Robin’s Egg green SKU 39300-79. The quilt backing
can be any fabric of your choice.
4. The Northcott judges will select 10 finalists and have them send in their quilts for a final round of judging. They will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner!
The deadline to submit your quilt design via Northcott’s online submissions page is December 31st, 2019. As part of your submission, we ask that you include a short description about the blocks you used and list the shops they were purchased from.
The link to the submission page will be available here when the contest begins in March!
In addition our shop will have an in-store Solstice Panel Quilt Challenge. The panel challenge will start March 15th and go through Novermber 30th, 2019.
How It Works:
To add to the fun and provide more opportunities to win prizes, each participating Block Party shop will be hosting a Solstice Panel Quilt Challenge!
- Quilters are challenged to use the Solstice panel in a creative way to make a quilt no larger than 60”x 60”. The quilt top must be made of 100% Stonehenge fabrics from the Solstice Anniversary collection with the option of including the Gradations Oxidized Copper palette and the Robin’s Egg green SKU 39300-79.
- The quilt backing can be any fabric of your choice.
- The quilt must be finished-quilted and bound. The binding must be a Stonehenge fabric.
- Each participating shop runs their own in-store contest and accepts their local entries.
- You must physically submit your panel quilt to your local participating Block Party quilt shop by November 30th 2019. That shop will judges entries and pick a winner, who will receive a Stonehenge Precut prize!
Events -
*2019 East Cobb Quilt Quild Quilt Show & Market / June 6-8 (Thursday - Friday) / 10 AM to PM / Cobb County Civic Center - 548 South Marietta Parkway SE - Marietta, GA 30060 / Admission $10.00 / Georgia's largest and juried Quilt Show with 325 + quilts created by Georgia artists / Top Quilting Vendors / Quilted Treasures for sale / Basket Raffle / Sewing Studio Raffle / Lapel Pins / Quilt Appraisials / Postcards / Block Party Display / Raffle Quilt "Celebration" / Raffle tickets $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00 / For more information please visit www.ecqg.com
* Forsyth County master Gardener and Plant Sale and Expo - April 12, 2019, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at Forsyth County Master Gardeners Plant Sale & Expo, The Barn @ Cumming Fairgrounds, 235 Castleberry Road, Cumming, GA 30040, Cumming, Georgia 30040
Price: Free
Phone: 770-887-2418
Forsyth County Master Gardener Plant Sale & Expo
Friday, April 12, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, April 13, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
The Barn @ Cumming Fairgrounds, 235 Castleberry Road, Cumming, GA 30040
Over 40 vendors will offer a wide range of plants and other garden products for our climate. We will have hard to find native plants, annuals, shrubs, veggies & herbs, birdhouses, hand crafted artisan wares, fountains, pottery, garden décor and more. Master Gardeners will be on hand to assist with your plant selections and answer questions.
As the year advances, we will add to this list as information becomes available to us. If you are interested in or plan to attend one of these events please feel free to stop by the shop and pick up one of the event brochures complete with times, dates, and contact information.
**************************** Randy's Rants ************************************************
It seems inevitable, if you subscribe to Western Medicine, sometime during your life, you are probably going to take some type of drug for the many maladies and health issues that present themselves. Although, most of the drugs usually target the health problem, almost all come with side effects. Some quite bizarre.
For example, hording. All kinds of stuff, guns, toenail clippings, paper. The list is endless. Scanning several drug inserts for side effects I have yet to come across anything listed that specifically names hording fabric as a side effect.
Since, Janet often says "This just speaks to me" while gesturing towards a fabric. I wonder if she is taking something that causes fabric to talk her! Maybe it is something in all those diet soft drinks. What ever the cause, with all of the fabric we have (and more is arriving daily) she is definitely a collector. (Please note Janet I did not say "horder" . See, who said guys aren't sensitive?!) I wonder if Hoffman Batiks are any good at stock tips?
Take another commonly listed side effect - gynecomastia - breast enlargement and or development in men. I am pretty sure I am not a underwire kind of guy, but the side effects page - well -It really does not specify - yeah its breast tissue - but what if it grows on the hamstring ( back of the thigh). You would have to always sit on the edge of your chair / your pants - even if they fit - would rub blisters on you! And do they make such a thing thigh bras?
Reading those patient drug review forms are not very helpful and some times frighting. For example, Joe writes:
Hello. I am Joe, a 35 year old man with late onset male pattern baldness. I have tried numerous medications in the past with limited success. Before going "full monty" for a hair transplant my PCP suggested I try the experimental drug, Cutize. I have been in clinical trials for about 3 months and I must say I can see no discernible difference in hair growth. However, I have noticed a rather startling development. I have grown a fully functional third eye in the back of my head!
My PCP is quite astounded. He says it has developed directly from the occipital lobe of my brain.
It took some getting used to, but now it is just like it has always been there. It sort of freaked out my girlfriend at first, but now she enjoys "dressing it up" with fake eyelashes, masquera, and eyeliner. Since I still have no hair, she experiments with drawing new eyebrows each day. She is really beginning to like my "addition". Of course, she has never told me it was "sexy" though.
As for me, its great. Nobody can sneak up on me. Driving is great - I have no blind spot! No more people talking behind your back.
My ophthalmologist is closely following its development. Since, I am near sighted in my other eyes, he is curious to see if I will develop the same problem in this eye. (Right now, I am 20/20.)
If so, he has suggested a long wear contact lens, but due to the inherit difficulty of placing the contact in an eye behind my head, I think something different would be more appropriate. Does anyone know if they still make monocles?" ******
Now, I have just about given up on winning Mega Millions. I have played for years. I won a ticket once. Never any "coin".
I am now going to see if the pharmaceutical industry can help with this problem. I keep looking for that patient review of a new drug with a side effect of increased wealth.....
"Hi. I'm Samantha and I have suffered for years with psoriasis. After taking your drug for 6 months, I have to report I still have very bad outbreaks. However, I am happy to report one of the beneficial side effects of the drug is substantial increased financial wealth. I still suffer the pain and embarrassment of psoriasis, but it is much easier to bear now that I have an 8 figure portfolio."
Here is hoping FABRIC is your Drug of Choice, and of course, we hope you purchase it from us.
Best Wishes and happy quilting,
Janet + Randy