Spring Cleaning Sale - Week Two
Our Spring Cleaning Sale is in full gear and while much fabric has left the shelves, but there is still too much fabric remaining in stock. I still have more than 70 boxes to open and then find a home for these fabrics. So with this in mind I asked Randy for his opinion on the sale and based on his input, we are leaving all the fabric that is currently on sale and adding to the list!
What does this mean? It means that the "Bloom" coupon will save you 20% on the following lines and collections:
Currently on sale and will remain on sale:
All Free Spirit Fabrics (Kaffe, Tula, etc)
All Loralie Fabrics
All Timeless Treasures Fabrics
Moda Collections -
Best Friends Forever
Well Said
Jardin de Versailles
In the Beginning Collections-
Garden Delights I & II
Windham Collections-
Dream and Wonder (Windam)
In store - end of bolt is 5 or more yards, receive 10% end of bolt discount.
And this week we will add the following lines/collections to the sale:
All Windham Fabrics in addition to the Dream and Wonder collections
All Batiks (listed under Batiks all Manufacturers)
All Mettler Threads
Moda Collections -
I've updated the sale lines under Featured Categories on the website's home page (link to home page below).
Thread Bear Fabrics
So if you've been waiting for one of our big sales, this is the time to save. The "Bloom" coupon has been updated to end at Midnight on Monday, April 29th to cover these items.
In addition, Randy has added another line to his $4.99 table sale. He has all Lyndhurst and Lakehouse fabrics priced at $4.99 per yard. These fabrics are grouped together in Suite 600. Below are links to each of these categories. I've updated the price in the webstore to reflect Randy's sale.
Lakehouse Sale Fabric
Lyndurst Studio Sale Fabric
I hope you enjoy the sale and meanwhile, I have a few more boxes to open.
Until next time,
Happy Quilting,
From Randy’s Desk –
Greeting Quilters!! Hope this letter finds you well. I would like to apologize in advance for the subject of this part of the letter, but the IRS (I Require Service) has kept Janet and I quite busy since January. Along with all the headaches and long arduous hours staring at figures; I came to realize what everyone already knows – the tax system is dull, depressing, demoralizing – they don’t even say ‘thank you" while they are robbing you!!
This is the year of politics, and since the powers that be cannot even agree on who said what when, it is doubtful any meaningful tax reform will be forthcoming any time soon. So, from my seat in the nosebleed section, I believe the IRS needs a facelift – some PR - less “Big Brother” and more “Hollywood.” Just a couple of suggestions:
1. A onetime tax deduction for donated organs – find out how much your body is really worth!!
2. IRS spokespersons – for women taxpayers say Brad Pitt and for the men maybe Scarlet Johansson. Giving cash to attractive people – now, where have I heard this concept before– aah yes now I remember – it’s called dating!!!
3. Re-design the forms – not boring black and white – make them colorful full of anticipation – maybe as you complete each section it peels away a layer of clothing (the form is made in the likeness of a celebrity) or makes a design. Possibly a sponsored year - like - "Tax Year 2019 Year of the Flower".
"Hey, I got roses on my Federal" (Now there is a novel concept - the Government giving you flowers - even if they are just virtual ones).
"Dude, my flower it stated off ok. Then just withered and died. I think it was the IRA I cashed out - Just killed it."
4. An IRS theme song – “For the Love of Money” – by the O’ Jays comes to mind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3uipTO-4A Good theme music while you are on hold on the tax assistance line!! It promotes capitalism and the IRS’ version of “The Golden Rule” – he who has the gold makes the rules!!
5. An IRS lottery – Each tax year one randomly selected taxpayer (that owes money to the IRS) has the slate wiped clean for that tax year. Of course, the following tax year the IRS would consider this a “gift” and you would probably have to pay gift tax!!
6. National Poor Person of the Year - A selective process by which the one individual loosing proportionally the most to the IRS becomes his own charity for the following tax year. If there is a tie – then a nationally televised playoff complete with all the hype of current TV game shows with Drew Carey as the MC, Vanna White as co-host, Keith Jackson (Whoa Nellie!!) as the play by play commentator on a “Wipe Out” type of set with cheering throngs of people and the after the fact compulsory interviews with the victor and the vanquished. Plus, maybe an “IRS Quilt” (donated of course – its tax deductible – the pattern is sold by the IRS and can be added to your taxes!!) is awarded to the runner up.
7. Tax breaks for designers, builders, and taxpayers for insightful ways to use past tax records (since you are supposed to keep them for 7 years!!) Does anyone know the R valve of a 1040??
We hope all of you receive a large refund and spend at least some of it with us!!
Best Wishes for a Happy Post Tax Season,
Janet + Randy