Valentine's Day Fabric Sale
Valentine's Day Fabrics
* Cut Fat Quarters (in boxes on Randy's side) $1.80 / FQ! No limit!
* Sew Original Embroidery Thread (Randy's side) Rayon $.40 /spool Polyester $1.00 /spool.
The 38th Annual Bulloch Hall Quilt Show will be held on March 6-14, 2020. We're excited to present a special exhibit of quilted art entitled “Inspired by Endangered Species”
* Vector Quilts (our neighbor) is having an Open House
January 25th
Free gift bag to the first 50 customers
Product Demonstrations
20% off Thread, Stabilizers, Longarm Notions all day
Special Event pricing on all Sewing Machines, Embroidery Machines and Longarms
Grand Prize, 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place drawing at 5pm
Grand Prize - Janome 550E Embroidery Machine, OESD Expert Embroidery Kit, OESD design and more. Retail Value $5000.
Thread Bear Fabrics
Chances are very good, Janet will not let us run out of fabric - at least not this year.
Just a grocery list here of what I have checked in:
.Meleange Basics from Blank
.Batiks from Maywood
.Backing Fabrics from Benartex
. Creative Grids rules
. All kinds of Books and Patterns
. Couturiere Parisienne for Riley Blake
. Black and White Fabrics
. Sewing Fabrics for Timeless Treasures
. Canvas - a blender - for Northcott Fabrics
. Indigo Gathering from Moda
. Anna from Andover came in today and will be on the shelves soon
* Check out Jaime's Christmas Gift hanging in 600 (Randy's Side) on the bar. Jaime is away in Europe, so we are using it as a sample. Well, she can't use it when she is 3800 miles away.
Janet made it in under a week. Vector quilted it in 2 days. Janet used J. Wecker Frisch's Couturiere Parisienne for Riley Blake Fabrics.
Jaime likes all things French and this quilt is certainly all that . It even has a street map of Paris on the back! According to Janet, Kits and Patterns are forth coming. (All I know is she kept me here to 10 PM measuring, drawing, plotting, and banging on the computer!)
If you ever wanted to go to Paris or just like the French culture then this is the quilt for you. Hey, it is way cheaper than a plane ticket. Live vicariously through your labors and do something enjoyable at the same time - make this quilt.
However, I do possess some useful information - I can tell you with certainty where the bathroom is located in the main store!
Apparently, the day had possibilities. Then they just ruined it.
The lover's holiday has its beginnings in the 4th century B.C. in Rome. The Romans held an annual lottery wherein young men would draw a young woman's name from a box. The couple would be assigned to each other the entire year for entertainment and pleasure. This celebration, traditionally held on February 15, also included banquets, dancing and foot races run in the nude.
Around A.D. 496, early church fathers sought an end to the pagan practice, but knew better than to upset the citizens by removing the lottery completely.
Instead, they had teenagers pull the names of saints from the box. The teen was supposed to spend the year emulating that saint's life as much as possible. Now, I don't know about you but naked marathons sound like a lot more fun. St. Valentine was chosen as the patron saint of the new event, and young Roman men resorted to courting females by sending handwritten notes delivered on February 14. I'm for back to basics. Maybe instead of saying Happy Valentine's Day we should embrace the old custom and just say LET'S GET NAKED!
In more modern times the day has evolved into legalized and expected extortion with everyone profiting immensely, save for the poor sap that has a wife or girlfriend.
I am not really sure where Cupid falls into this, but I can attest he has not evolved. The guy is blind! Maybe he is diabetic - I mean he is sorta fat. He is just shooting arrows everywhere. Forget about all the ex girlfriends, and busted relationships. What about the really strange stuff you can't otherwise explain. Like chocolate syrup on fried fish, bananas and steak ( this is really quiet good - well at least the steak is!) garlic and chocolate, blood and ice cream - the list is endless. No, I haven't tried all of these - I just know people who "LOVE" these combinations.
I know Cupid is over 40. I got my first glasses at 40. I am sure they would improve his aim.
"Bet you can't eat just one" really does apply here. Spending the night on the toilet - well - probably not her idea of a romantic evening. Guess who is going to catch the blame for this one - YOU.
Fancy Dinner -
Well most upscale restaurants have "special holiday pricing". Read that as EXPENSIVE! I mean chicken is chicken. Right? Why does it cost 30% more on February 14th? Oh, maybe its that heart shaped paper napkin ring or possibly the red candle on the table!
Since one of the daughters spent some time as a server - and yes I have great respect for all that work in service industries, but it is no different than any other job - people like to have fun. Best be careful eating out on Valentine's Day. Say, your server does not feel the tip you left was equitable.
That special Valentines Day Dessert - that you did not know about or order - may contain a plastic engagement ring. Definitely embarrassing if it is you girlfriend, mistress, etc. But if it is you wife, then the plastic ring is just going to confirm what she already knows - YOU ARE CHEAP!
Sex - Really?! You can't actually believe that! Right?
Now I know Tim Patterson, when he invented DOS told everybody it stood for Dirty Operating System. I have another idea. Maybe he was just was as aggravated as the rest of us with Valentine's Day and wanted to rename it Day Of Sex - hence - DOS.
The best you can hope for - Tell your wife -
"I have already set this up. For Valentine's Day we will go out for a romantic dinner and partake of a hot love triangle".
You will probable get something like,
"I will go to dinner but I am not doing anything freaky."
Take her to Ci Ci's. Its dinner. Its affordable. You love pizza. Its hot. It is served in triangles. Enjoy! It is as close as you will ever get to a threesome!
She may feel sad because a 5th grader has 8 more valentines than her. Who knows?
Or her thought process - " But it is so romantic to get a Valentine with no stamp - no name - just pushed under your door."
Don't know about you, but if I am in prison, the last thing I want pushed under my cell door is an anonymous Valentine's Day card!
Sometimes I wonder if Divorce Lawyers mail out scented Valentine Day cards on February 14th just to drum up business!
Horror story here - Feb 13 couple laying in bed about to go to sleep.
Man: "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. What do you want to do?"
Woman: "I wish I was still six"
Next day man arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day!
He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the
Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered
out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with
extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy -
M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her. She collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his significant other with a big smile and lovingly asked, "Well Dear, what was it like being six again??"
Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed.
"Idiot! I was talking about my dress size!"
Since it is Valentine's Day, just of sage advice in the "love and marriage" department:
When your husband and / or significant other is giving you "constructive criticism" like
Just hug him!
Happy Quilting,
Janet + Randy