Memorial Day Sale
As Memorial Day approaches and you are considering if it is worth the cost of gas to head to the beach, remember sewing. You can take it with you! Should you find yourself in need of fabric - please think of us. We have plenty.****** NEWS FLASH ***** Janet has not stopped ordering! We sincerely thank all of you for your patronage.
Our Memorial Day Sale is simple:
*25% Off all Patriotic Fabrics (excludes $4.99 fabrics and fat quarters in boxes on Randy's side)
*25% Off all Nautical Fabrics
*25% Off Wilmington Prints (fabric manufacturer)
*25% Off Toweling
You can identify these prints by following the web store link below and there will be a link to these categories under Featured Categories on the home page.
Sale begins now. Ends midnight Saturday June 5, 2022
Online customers use the code: Memorial22
We hope everyone will have a safe Memorial Day. Please take time to honor and remember those that died in service to our nation.

After a distinguished military career Sam Short continued to serve his country as a US Senator for many years. At his passing, his wife Ruby, executor of Sam's will, was surprised and shocked to find specific instructions for Sam's funeral. Apparently Sam, unbeknownst to Ruby, had been placing funds into a secret account for his funeral ever since he was a Lance Corporal in the Marines. As it had gained interest and compounded over the 60 plus years, it was a tighty sum which was to be spent entirely on Sam's funeral.
As the last attenders left, Sam's wife, Ruby, turned to her oldest friend, Sadie, and said: "Well, I'm sure Sam would be pleased."
"I'm sure you're right" replied Sadie, who leaned in close and lowered her voice to a whisper: " Now tell me true, how much did it really cost?"
Ruby's response was calm and short, "$150,000".
Her eyes filled with curiosity, Sadie inquired, "Yeah, but how much of that did you really spend?"
"All of it" said Rose. "150,000."
"No!" Sadie exclaimed "I mean, it was very nice, but really.......$150,000?"
Rose nodded. "The funeral was $6500. I donated $500 to the church for the priest's services. The food and drinks for another $500. And the rest went towards the memorial stone."
Sadie computed quickly: "$142,500 for a memorial stone? Must be some stone! Exactly how big is it?"
"Seven and a half carats." was the calm reply.
A small boy was staring at the names on the wall of an old church when the pastor noticed him.
“What are you looking at?” asked the clergyman.
“All those names. Who are they?” the boy asked.
The pastor solemnly nodded, and replied,
“They are the reason we have Memorial Day. They are those who died in the service.”
The little boy's face turned very pale. Meekly he asked, “The 9 o’clock service or the 11 o’clock?”
*********************************************************Until next time,
Keep Quilting and we hope all of you enjoy the long weekend.
Janet, Randy,Tina, Joseph, Jonna, Jennifer